Saturday, 6 November 2010

What a Week!

Well it's been quite an eventful week!  It started out  extremely sad, with me hearing about the death of my Aunt - the last link to my Mother.  And it is finishing with me starting a new course tomorrow with 15 new students.  I always get extremely nervous before a new class begins but I am sure it will be fine once I get to know everyone!

My mixed crafts class is a joy to teach as all the girls are so eager to learn new crafts and techniques.   We made easel, rocker and pop up cards this week and here are some of my examples.  Next week I'll post a picture of my students efforts as they were finishing off their cards at home as we ran out of time!! Should be interesting.... watch this space.....

I must say thank you to for their marvelous downloads. Check them out - they are not expensive and their graphics are brilliant.  The Christmas Tree is one of theirs and I think you'll agree the design is great....

That's all for now - wish me luck for my class tomorrow!

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